Project partners
Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information
Systems IAIS,
University, Lithuania
Malta (rejected from 30.06.2007)
ICI, Romania
CTU Prague,
Czech Republic
School, Lithuania
RAMA, Germany
6th Framework Programme - Priority 2
Information Society Technologies
Call identifier: FP6-2004-IST-4
Proposal N° 027039 - ARiSE: Augmented Reality in School
Environments |
Lamanauskas V.,
Vilkonis R., Klangauskas A. (2006). Informacinės ir
komunikacinės technologijos mokantis gamtamokslinių dalykų: kai kurie
mokinių vertinimai / Information and Communication Technologies for
Learning Natural Science Subjects: Some Students` Position on the Issue.
In.: Informacinės komunikacinės technologijos gamtamoksliniame ugdyme
2006 / Information & Communication Technology in Natural Science Education
2006 (Tarptautinės mokslinės praktinės konferencijos straipsnių
rinkinys, 2006m. gruodžio 1-2d.). Šiauliai: Šiaulių universiteto leidykla,
p. 58-64. /ISBN 9986-38-711-6/. |
Lamanauskas V.,
Vilkonis R. (2007). The Most Complex Topics of the Introductory Course on
Chemistry: the Limiting Factors and Potential of Innovated Information
Technologies to Solve the Problem. In.: V.Lamanauskas
G.Vaidogas (Eds.), Science and Technology Education in the Central and
Eastern Europe: Past, Present and Perspectives (The proceedings of 6th
IOSTE Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe). Siauliai: Siauliai
University Press, p. 80-87. /ISBN 978-9986-38-781-7/.
Lamanauskas V.,
Vilkonis R. (2007). Pedagogical Evaluation of the New Teaching/Learning
Platform Based on Augmented Reality Technology: Prototype 1. In.: V.Lamanauskas
G.Vaidogas (Eds.), Science and Technology Education in the Central and
Eastern Europe: Past, Present and Perspectives (The proceedings of 6th
IOSTE Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe). Siauliai: Siauliai
University Press, p. 88-97. /ISBN 978-9986-38-781-7/. |
Lamanauskas V.,
Pribeanu C., Vilkonis R., Balog A., Iordache D., Klangauskas A. (2007).
Evaluating the Educational Value and Usability of an Augmented Reality
Platform for School Environments: Some Preliminary Results.
Proceedings of 4th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on
Engineering Education (Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, 24-26 July,
2007). Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering,
Published by World Scientific
and Engineering Academy and Society Press,
86-91. /ISSN 1790-5117/, /ISBN 978-960-8457-86-7/. |
Lamanauskas V. (2007). The
Reality Teaching /Learning Platform: New Challenges and New Possibilities
to the Users. In.:
Information and Communication Technology in Natural Science Education
2007 (Proceedings of International Scientific Practical Conference).
Šiauliai: Publishing House of Šiauliai University, p. 6-7. /ISBN
978-9986-38-823-4/. |
V., Vilkonis R. (2007). A New Teaching / Learning Platform Based on
Augmented Reality Technology: Didactical Scenario 1. In.:
Information and Communication Technology in Natural Science Education
2007 (Proceedings of International Scientific Practical Conference).
Šiauliai: Publishing House of Šiauliai University, p. 99-114. /ISBN
978-9986-38-823-4/. |
M., Lamanauskas V., Vilkonis R. (2007).
Pedagogical Evaluation of the
Teaching/Learning Platform Based on Augmented Reality Technology: the
Opinion of Science Teachers.
Information and Communication Technology in Natural Science Education
2007 (Proceedings of International Scientific Practical Conference).
Šiauliai: Publishing House of Šiauliai University, p. 181-210. /ISBN
V., Vilkonis R. (2007). Augmented Reality in School Environments New
Teaching/Learning Paradigm in Science Education. In.: J. Gedrovics,
G.Praulite, A.Voitkans (Eds), Didactics of Science Today and Tomorrow
(Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, 15-16 March, 2007).
Riga: RPIVA, (CD-Room). /ISBN 978-9984-9903-6-1/.
V., Vilkonis R., Klangauskas A. (2007). ICT Usage for Natural Science
Education in Comprehensive Schools: Experts` Position on the Issue. In.:
J. Gedrovics, G.Praulite, A.Voitkans (Eds), Didactics of Science Today
and Tomorrow (Proceedings of International Scientific Conference,
15-16 March, 2007). Riga: RPIVA, p. 107-139. (CD-Room). /ISBN
978-9984-9903-6-1/ |
Lamanauskas V., Vilkonis R. (2007).
Information Communication Technologies in Natural Science Education:
Situational Analysis and Prospects in Baltic Countries. Journal of
Baltic Science Education, Vol.6., No. 2., p. 35-49.